Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fighting for Worship: The End Times Battle

We are called to worship the Lord in the good times as well as in the absolutely miserable and deeply distressing oppressing suppressing and repressing times. The devil dwells in the realm of feelings, but he is defeated and the Lord is worshiped when we stay in the realm of faith.

Last nite i hardly slept, have you had any sleepless nites, what were you facing? Comment below

I was battling to keep my peace throughout the nite as i was attacked by many demonic spirits and nite terrors, more specifically the spirit of fear. Maybe you know, maybe you dont but the hours from 12am to 3am is called the 'witching hour.' This is a time where the demonic realm is most active planning and preparing evil traps and snares to entangle you and devour you and your blessings.

Before i explain this in more detail, confess the truth for the truth shall set you free. Know that Christ conquered all. We are more than conquerers, and Christs name is above all names, and Christs perfect love casts out all fear, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and we cast out demons by naming the demon, binding the demon, and commanding the demon to go to the pits of hell in the name of Jesus. Blast away your demons with this command: I bind you, you spirit of ____ (fear,doubt,lust) and i command you to go to the pits of hell in Jesus name!

There is fact and there is truth. The fact is i might be experiencing, seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling death and evil all around me, but the truth is the Blood of Jesus has given us the power and authority to trample on every stupid demon and nothing will harm us. When i declare the truth and not give into the facts of what i feel, taste or hear i remain in the realm of faith and the Lord is worshiped.

Psalm 91 allows you to relate to Davids suffering in the midst of great trials and nite terrors where David says

Surely he will save you
from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.

Comfort yourself with the reality of the surety, the assurance and the confidence that Christ will save you and rescue you from the fowler's snare, or the traps that the enemy sets up to destroy your life, your family, your relationships, your peace, know that you are covered by the precious blood of Jesus. Your life is so valuable to Christ, you were not redeemed by gold and silver but by the precious blood of Jesus. Think about that! Your more valuable than gold and silver.

Imagine how you might risk your life to save a $100,000 gold and silver rolex watch, maybe you would even take a bullet to stop a thief from stealing your rolex, well be comforted knowing that Christ is taking more than bullets for you. Your life is priceless in his eyes. Furthermore, if you were the only one on the planet, Christ would come die all over again for just you. One day we will see Christ face to face and get to taste the depth of His love for His children.

Even if your world is falling apart all around you, your completely depressed, crying all day long, demonically oppressed, zero dollars in the bank, a car thats falling apart, no job, no purpose, constantly entertaining suicide and cutting your wrists, wanting to run away and hide in the woods or in your house and never leave, know this one thing. Jesus is the only one that knows what your going through, he is the only one that will get you through what your going through, and know that in one phone call, in one day, Jesus could change your life around, new job, new purpose, new friends, family restored, new car, new renters for your apartment, delivered from demons, new finances, supernatural cancellation of debt.

Maintain a holy optimism, and praise your way through this storm, give thanks for redemption is near.

Warrior, your being prepared for promotion
Many times Christ will use these trials to make you strong and shine like gold, you are being prepared for the end times, be joyous in sharing in Christs suffering it helps you relate to how he suffered for you. Your so precious in his sight, your his beloved child, he gave everything for you.

Know that only good things come from God, and its his goodness that leads us to love Him. If what your experiencing is far from good, know that the cause is from the devil who's only purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy your life. The enemy always uses the first person voice in your head, im hopeless, im worthless, i should commit suicide, ill never make it, how can God possibly love me.

I lost my focus a little for this article, i was enjoying speaking from my heart. The fight is for your worship.

The devil wants you to worship him
The devil wants you to sell your soul to him
The devil will give you anything you want in this world.
The devil will use lies, tricks and anger to get you to sell your soul.
The devils purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy your life
Your eternal destiny is hell.

Ways we worship the devil
Believing lies, fear, doubt, discouragement
Believing the identity the devil gives us: im a loser, im worthless, im impure

Example: Say your a homeless person, broke and destitute, but God says to you, you will be a billionaire and you choose to believe you never will be a billionaire because your current reality is your poor and homeless.

Christ wants you to worship Him.
Christ wants you to give your soul to Him out of knowing how much he loves you.
Christ will use truth and love for you to give your life to him.
Christ gives you everything in heaven
Christ purpose is to give you life and life abundantly
Christ is the only one who really loves you
Your eternal destiny is heaven.

Ways we worship Christ
Believing, claiming, confessing truth, faith, grace,
Believing our new identity in Christ: im righteous, im holy, im pure.

Example: Say your a homeless person, broke and destitute, but God says to you, you will be a billionaire and you choose to believe God. God sees your true reality, when you say i believe you God that i am a billionaire God is praised!

Renew your mind and remember that this battle is a battle for your worship. Who will you choose to worship today. The battle is of galactic proportions and is from person to person, your brothers and sisters in Christ are sharing in your sufferings. When you confess the truth, you stomp on the devils head. Start stomping on the devils head.

Stand fast in the faith, it doesnt matter what this world says about you, it doesnt matter what your current reality is, it doesnt matter what your feeling, tasting, touching or seeing. All that matters is what God says about you, and what His word, His infallible, unchangible, 100% truth says. God is truth, 100% truth. Let everyone else and everything else be a liar.

Trust truth & worship God.

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