Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Discover the Supernatural Demon Destroying Joy Releasing Beautiful Benefits of Holy Anointing Oil

Significance of Olive Oil
The significance of the anointing oil lies in its pointing us to Jesus' finished work at the cross. In the same way olive fruits have to be crushed in order for the oil to flow out, Christ was crushed at different points in His passion so that we may enjoy wholeness in every area of our lives, and that God’s blessings may freely flow towards us. 

Interestingly, when olives are pressed for oil in Israel, they go through three rounds of pressing. The first press gives you extra virgin olive oil, which is used in the Jewish temple for lighting. The oil from the second press is used for making medicine (or for healing), while the oil from the third press is used for making soap (cleansing).

In the same way, our Lord Jesus was also pressed three times to provide for us a perfect salvation that includes deliverance from all powers of darkness, divine healing for our bodies and complete forgiveness of all our sins.

His "pressings" began at Gethsemane (meaning "olive press") in a time of darkness, both literally and spiritually. He said to those who had come to arrest Him that night, "…this is your hour, and the power of darkness" (Luke 22:53). The Bible says He was "in agony" (Luke 22:44) as He contemplated what awaited Him from then on to the cross. It was a very dark time for our Lord. He was pressed so that we can be called "out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9), and to walk in this light.
Jesus' crushing continued at the scourging post where He was scourged violently by the Roman soldiers. He took lash after brutal lash, bearing every stripe until His skin was torn and His bones exposed (Psalm 22:17, 129:3), all to purchase our healing and health. The prophet Isaiah tells us that "by His stripes we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5).

As the olive is crushed or pressed a third time to yield its cleansing virtue, Jesus' crushing climaxed with His being nailed at the cross. He was crushed under the judgment of a righteous and holy God because He was carrying our sins and being punished for them. He shed His blood at Calvary to wash away all our sins, making us whiter than snow.

So when you use the anointing oil, reflect on how Christ was crushed to bring you out of darkness into His glorious light, heal your body of all diseases and give you total forgiveness of sins. Expect then, to see the benefits of His sacrifice exploding in your life as you use the oil!
Above are only the benefits of Olive Oil, Expect More Blessings As you look to Christ and believe in the powerful additional ingredients in Anointing Oil such as:
Other Significant Oils
1: Oil of Sanctification: Set apart for God. Call from God. Ministries and Gifts released.
2: Oil of Holiness: Whatever touches them becomes holy. Wholeness in line with Gods plan.
3: Oil of Consecration: Name it and claim it. Anoitning on me to serve and minister and serve God.
4: Oil of Prosperity: Get wisdom
5: Oil of Gladness: Let go of pains of past. Get on with life, pick yourself up. Jesus heals.
6: Oil of Joy: Want it, sow for it and its your right. Enjoy the harvest and blessing. No Guilt. Keep Sowing.
7: Oil of Effective Prayer and Fasting: Breakthru in prayer.
8: Oil of Anointed Ministry. Take holy communion by faith and receive faith and mercy.
9: Oil of Forgiveness: Receive the forgiveness, forget your past.
10: Oil of Intimacy with God. Mary and Jesus, Anointed Jesus with Love.
11: Oil of Healing: On 3 Dimensions
Scripture on the Oils
Frankincense: used on the Altar of Incense in temple times, one of the 3 gifts brought to Messiah (intercession) Song of Songs 3:6, Isaiah 53:5, Hebrews 3:24
Myrrh: Queen Esther bathed in oil of myrrh for six months before her presentation to the King (purification, dying to self, and preparation for the KING) Esther 2:12, Song of Songs 1:13
"Holy Fire"/Hyssop: exotic Biblical plant used in cleansing rituals and in certain sacrifices of the Hebrews (cleansing, purification) Psalm 51:7
Cedars of Lebanon: fragrant wood used to build Temple and also to anoint a restored leper’s house (strength, permanence, wholeness, restoration) Psalm 92:12
Pomegranate: highly prized fruit from ancient times, its motif was used to decorate the temple and was embroidered on high priest’s garment (fruitfulness, abundance, blessings, favor of God) Numbers 13:23
Spikenard: fragrant oil used by Mary to anoint head & feet of Jesus (intimacy, extravagant worship) John 12:2-3
Rose of Sharon: flower depicting the beloved (beauty of the bride) Song of Songs 2:1
Lily of the Valley: white delicate flower (honor & purity of heart) Song of Songs 2:1
Cassia: one principal spice of the Holy Anointing Oil used to anoint priests, kings and their garments. The coming King Messiah’s robes will smell of cassia (humility, being stripped of pride, set apart or holy with a servant’s heart) Psalm 45:8
Ketubah: a special blending of the fragrances of the Bridegroom (Frankincense & Myrrh), the Bride (Spikenard) and the Spirit of G-d (Hyssop/Holy Fire) (marriage covenant in Hebrew) Ex 24:1-8
Henna: shrub producing small, heavily fragrant flowers; root word means "emotional tenderness" (broken spirit/repentance) Song of Songs 1:14, Psalm 51:17

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