Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Jesus Invades Earth and Destroys the Darkness even as a Baby!

Living Waters with Christ is a daily devotional from the Word of God. As we walk in this life, let us make it our goal to walk with Christ. Let us conquer the darkness and live a life of victory. In the midst of the deepest darkness lies the breathtaking breakthrough, the light prevails. The book of Isaiah 9 quotes "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined."

This is a beautiful statement of our prophesied savior whom would come from Galilee and would be the great light in the midst of utter and complete worldwide darkness. A world consumed by destructive evils in the natural and supernatural realms. Jesus came at the appointed time where darkness was at its highest, and the light of the world our redeemer, Jesus Christ penetrated the deepest darkness in the spiritual realm.

Invading earth in the form of a beautiful and precious life saving baby, our King of Kings brought the realities of the fullness of the Kingdom of God to a dark world in all humility, laying down his entire deity and majesty and perfect kingdom to save a world one person at a time that were shackled in their own spiritual prisons. Its almost like a cosmic collision of two worlds: a world of darkness, sons of darkness and disobedience was invaded by the light of Christ, sons of light and obedience. In the presence of the Lord is the fullness of Joy.

As Mary, Joseph, and the wise men beheld the majesty of Christ, i question, did they fully understand the depths of the reality of the Messiah and Christs mission, even with the signs of appointed angels pronouncing the coming reign of Christ, could one fully understand the precious redemption that this little baby in a manger would do. Were people in the mindset of believing that one person could radically change the world. You can believe that the presence of the Lord was fully manifested in this manger, it must have been a very powerful and moving experience, as every hair on your body is standing up, chills all over your body, love and grace being poured out from the open heavens over this child, words do little justice as to the awesome moment this had to be. Angelic choirs resounding with glorious halleluas as to the savior of the world had arrived. Certainly the demonic realm received the message, and was shuttering with fright and preparing their plans of attack.

I have heard of a certain demon that attempts to kill children before the age of one, learned from Heidi Bakers book compelled to love who would pray against such a demon. Its interesting to note little has changed from 2000 years ago, as Christ himself was being threatened to be killed as a child, yet the powers of the Kingdom of God will always prevail over the powers of darkness, and Mary and Joseph received word from the Lord to leave town, thwarting the plans of the enemy. Praise the Lord, for Jesus is alive, thy Kingdom come!!

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