Thursday, May 2, 2013

Daily Mashup: Long Life, Peace, and Length of Days in the Secret Place with Christ

What do you get when you combine Proverbs 3:1-2, Galatians, and Psalm 91? You get our Daily Mashup: Long Life, Peace, and Length of Days in the Secret Place with Christ.

Have you ever wondered what the secret place is? Quick comment below before you keep reading.

Long life, peace, and length of days are promised through following and keeping Gods commands. However, note a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus. Faith in Jesus plus nothing equals justification.

Faith in Gods Promise
Always remember that what you do or have done or whatever rule you follow does not make you righteous before God, you are righteous before God by simply believing in God. Remember Abraham, he believed God and it was accounted to him as righteousness. Later God asked him to follow some rules like circumcision, but this is not what made him righteous. Abraham was counted righteous not by what he could do, but by simply believing in what God could do, believing in the promise God gave Abraham. If you are unaware of the Promise God gave Abraham, God told Abraham that he would be a father of many nations.

Our Father in heaven gives us believers a promise as well, For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. So then just like Abraham, we are counted as righteous when we believe God will fulfill this promise. The disaster is when we first place our faith in Christ for our salvation and then after many years, we start to place our faith in all of our good works for our salvation. Always double check yourself.

The book of Proverbs is a book of wisdom, who is wisdom?

Who is my source of wisdom
Christ is wisdom, let us draw near to Christ. As we dwell with Christ in the secret place, and run to Christ as your refuge and fortress, you will fellowship with the creator and author of all wisdom and the result will be peace and long life. Because you have set your love upon Christ, Christ will deliver you.

With long life he will satisfy you, and show you His salvation. Dwell in the secret place of the most high by intimate fellowship with Christ. Be hungry for Christ, and be filled.

Are you not hungry, do you believe you can make yourself hungry, this is a lie. You can do nothing. Remember Christ said, Abide in me and i will abide in you, without me you can do nothing. Dont fool yourself, religion replaces Christ by making you believe you have to do it all alone. Religion says love is patient, which is truth and its in the bible, but religion makes you try to be patient, and work on being patient in your own strength.

Renew your brainy brain
I remember i used to read the bible with the idea of WHAT I HAD TO DO, now i read the Bible with a new mindset. When i read the bible i look for Christ, when i find Christ i find myself. As Christ is so am i. Furthermore, if i need more patience, i ask the Lord for grace to be more patient. Grace is a free gift, undeserved favor, its diving influence over your heart. Therefore, what i am trying to tell you is that you are a vessel, an empty cup, and only Christ from heaven can pour patience into your heart and even more patience in your heart after you pass a few tests of impatience. I also recommend if you need patience or whatever, focus on how Jesus was patience, as you stare into the face of our loving savior and fall in love with Him and his patience, his patience will flood your soul. Lastly, you may also sow for patience to reap patience. Next time you tithe or help someone, ask the Lord to give you patience for what your sowing.

Therefore, open your hearts, ask the Lord for grace to be patient, and receive divine patience from the heavens. Once again, if your not hungry, only Christ can make you hungry for Christ, ask and let His majesty fill you, and His angels bear you up.

Focus on the simplicity of intimacy with Christ. Remember your first love, he's so lovely and precious! Your His beloved and precious child, even when you mess up, just confess and run back into Daddy Gods loving arms. If there is anything that is pushing you away from Christ, thats not Christ. God is love, perfect love, perfect love doesn't push you away.

So you dont feel loved? Remember the devil dwells in the realm of feelings. Feelings and emotions are a rollercoaster, the truth is stable, the truth is your loved. Dwell in the realm of faith and you wont be shaken when your emotions are not there. Maturity is not dwelling on feelings but truth. Dont wait on your feelings to praise God, praise God and let your feelings catch up with you.

Tingly Bubblies or Truth
Im sharing alot of meat, i remember once i was at church, i was growing much in Christ, then one service i didnt feel Christ at all, no tingly bubblies in worship, nothing, i got more tingly bubblies from youtube videos before i went to church. This devastated me, i thought Christ didnt love me, or something was wrong with me, both were lies, and ruined my nite, i was mad at God and mad at myself. To make matters worse the Pastor announced do you feel that feeling, that means God loves you, or something of that nature. Later i learned this valuable lesson, the devil dwells in the realm of feelings. I didnt feel tingly bubblies like others, but to defeat the devil dwell in the realm of faith. By faith based on the word of God, God loves me, whether i feel tingly bubblies or not.

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