Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Demonic Deliverance Template: A Truth Encounter with the Holy Spirit

1- Prayer of acknowledgement
2- Worship
3- Prayer of Repentance & Unforgiveness
4- Renounce
5- Reclaim
6- Command to Leave
7- Praise

We ask you holy spirit to come in and lead the deliverance because he is the deliverance leader. Man cannot deliver, man is flesh, man is bodily, were earthly, the Holy Spirit is a spirit so he can operate in the spirit realm and so can we…but this is how we do it with him, we do it through words and confessions, statements of faith, and confessing with our mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Worship- were going to worship and set the atmosphere in the room were going to make an atmosphere for Jesus to delight in, an atmosphere for his presence, because when we worship an atmosphere comes, there is just a better place to conduct a deliverance.

Prayer of Repentance – where the person will repent of whatever sin that God brings back to you, your going to repent, repentance is not just a one day confession, it’s a lifestyle. It’s walking with Jesus it will be turning away from your sin and turning towards Jesus to walk with Him the rest of our lives to live a holy life before him.

I forgive ____________________ for ___________________
I forgive ____________________ for ___________________
I forgive ____________________ for ___________________
I forgive ____________________ for ___________________
I forgive ____________________ for ___________________
I forgive ____________________ for ___________________

RENUNCIATION – finding and closing doors
I renounce the door that I opened because I was ________________ I don’t want anything to do with it in Jesus name, I confess that any demon that has come through the door of pride, I cancel it in Jesus name, I undo that tie.
I renounce the spirit of ______________________
I renounce the spirit of ______________________
I renounce the spirit of ______________________

RECLAIM – claiming the truth, rejecting lies
I claim that I am the child of God, I claim that _________________ does not live in me, but _______________ does, any door that I have opened for ____________ I cancel it, and now I open the door for ____________. So its rejecting one thing and accepting the next, disagreeing with the enemy and agreeing with God.

Right now in Jesus name, I bind every spirit of pride, and every spirit of lust, and whatever spirit came in through sin or unforgiveness I break it right now in Jesus name and I command every satanic and demonic spirit to go now, in Jesus name. And I will command it so simply and Jesus would do it, just like that, because their rights to be there are broken at the cross. Sometimes we open doors for satanic spirits to enter our souls, and when we open doors for them to enter into our soul we have to cancel their right to be there. Now the way we open in it is by living in sin, is by living in our selfish ways, living in things that don’t agree with God, so if there is strongholds in your life, sins you cannot overcome, there is a demonic stronghold there that needs to be broken by the blood of Jesus through deliverance.

So after that the very last thing is praise, this is the expression of your faith, this is vital, this is telling God I believe, that what we just went through, the deliverance we just went through, I am free, I trust you, I don’t feel it Lord, I don’t understand it, I trust you, and you are God. And your word says that if I confess with my mouth, that you are faithful and just to forgive. This is the key here, because God forgives us, doesn’t mean the demons leave, so that’s why deliverance is necessary, because when we ask for forgiveness our sins are washed away but not demons, demons still remain, and that’s why we need to get them out of our lives through deliverance, so this last step of prayer and praise is vital, go silly before the Lord, dance and jump and thank him for deliverance. So many times in deliverance, I have seen where we were praying and ploughing and ploughing and felt like nothing was happening, and God just spoke to us, well just thank me, you already broke their commands, you already broke their assignment, thank me. So we would start dancing and jumping and praising God, and in the midst of praising God and that’s when the manifestation of the deliverance came.

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