Thursday, May 2, 2013

Feeding on Jesus Glorious Supply of Fresh Bread for Victorious Living Intro

Feeding the Five Thousand

Initial thoughts. The title alone gets me really excited. Think about it, do you really think the number is important. Jesus took 7 loaves of bread, the number of perfection, and 2 fish. The number two represents multiplication. Wow. This is too much, God rested on the 7th day after completing the earth. Therefore, maybe its safe to say that Jesus multiplied the bread to feed the five thousand from a position of rest. It seems that when we enter Gods rest, provision is not limited by the constraints of our current reality.

Lessons to Learn
- There is always enough with God
- Faith multiplies
- Operating from a position of rest
- Hunger Increases Capacity to receive
- Factors that increase hunger
- Freely given so freely receive
- Right bread, right source
- We only grow by grace

WOow - my mind is going nuts, Jesus was so beautifully compassionate to the needs of His followers, he was concerned that they would faint because they had been following Jesus for three days. The number three representing the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Jesus desired they would enter his rest and eat their fill.

WOow - I re-read the title for the 3rd time. Guess what? The number 5 in 5,000, represents Grace! Underserved favor, a divine gift from heaven or diving influence over your heart. Experience the full multiplication and manifestation of your miracles with grace. The purer the better. Here's some more insight for you, this might blow your brain, i found this out a ways back. Lets compare the name of Jesus in Greek and the name for Grace in Greek.

Jesus in Greek
Χριστός (113 instances)
113 is a profoundly significant number for Jesus death on the cross and the rapture of the church. See References. Also note 1+1+3 equals 5, the number of grace. Interesting.

Grace in Greek
χάρις,n \{khar'-ece}1) grace 1a) that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness: grace of speech 2) good will, loving-kindness, favour 2a) of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues 3) what is due to grace 3a) the spiritual condition of one governed by the power of divine grace 3b) the token or proof of grace, benefit 3b1) a gift of grace 3b2) benefit, bounty 4) thanks, (for benefits, services, favours), recompense, reward

Green Grass Grows in Greek
χόρτος,n \{khor'-tos}
1) the place where grass grows and animals graze 2) grass, herbage, hay, provender 2a) of green grass 2b) of growing crops

Wanna grow like green grass, wanna experience growth with Christ. Its only by grace. Christ is the author and the finisher of our faith by grace, Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, Christ is the beginning and the end!

Also note Isaiah 53
For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant,
And as a root out of dry ground

Who shall grow up before Him as a tender plant? Christ
How do roots and plants grow in dry ground, without water? By Grace and Spirit 

How else do you expect to grow, how else do you expect to be more patient, more peaceful, more loving, more kind, more gentle, more humble. Religion says do it on your own. How can this even be possible, we were dead before Christ and were dead without Christ if we try to do it on our own. Interesting to note that the Israelites were led out of Egypt by Gods grace, but the moment they said they could do it on their own, God gave them the law. Then everyone started dying off. Lets just solidify this argument once and for all.

We only grow by grace. 100% Grace, not 90% Grace and 10% Law. God did not give the Israelites 90% grace and only 10% of the Laws to keep. It was either or. Grace or the Law. Choose your desired growth. Reading Galatians know that a man is not justified by the law but simply by faith in Christ.

Law = Deriving our righteousness by what we do. Faith in what we do to save us. I got baptized, im saved is a lie.
Grace = Faith in what Christ has done.

Our goal as Christians is to grow by faith, grace, spirit, and loving God and our neighbors. Further, go ahead and add the presence of God, the power of God, the Gifts of God, and the voice of God, to follow His ways, His thoughts, and His voice. Operate Horizontally by surrounding yourself with Spirit filled victorious Christians as well as vertically living under an open heaven.

Overcome the Body( lust of the eyes, flesh), overcome the soul (mind,will,emotions), and sow to the spirit.

The ingredients in bread:
- Flour
- Water
- Yeast

Holy Spirit is awesome, i was thinking about Flour. Flour comes from grain like wheat. Remember the parable wheat and chaff. The husk of the wheat must be broken to expose the seed. Wow. Jesus was broken for our iniquities. Veil was torn. We must expose ourselves to Christ, in humility and the seed which is sown in our hearts becomes fertile, whereby water, the spirit can grow the seed and the yeast or word of God must be like the fertilizer.

When i think of baking bread though the yeast is dry, just like the word of God without the Spirit. Sometimes you see Christians burnt out and dry. Then when you add water it grows incredibly. Where the Spirit is there is life.

Therefore, i come to another conclusion by simply meditating on this wonderful title, that when the seed of God or the word of God is sown in our brain, then by meditating it moves to our heart, then the Spirit comes and waters the seed for amazing growth 30, 60, 100 fold harvest of the word.

Oohh this is getting exciting, maybe the ingredients in bread have to do with the nature of Jesus, or characteristics of Jesus. Jesus always talked about the yeast of the Kingdom or beware of the yeast of the Pharisees. It seems its important to eat the right bread, from the right source.

Always Enough
Jesus could have fed one hundred million billion people. There is always enough with our God, he fed the Israelites their daily bread in the Old Testament and he fed these followers 2,000 years ago and he is feeding you today, and tells you not to worry about such things as your Father knows you need them.

Are You Limiting
The question is, do you feel your limited with God. God is unlimited, therefore, the only answer is you must be doing something that is limiting God from supplying you unlimited bread. Hmmm. This makes me think. How much of Christ could i actually eat in a day. How jacked up on Jesus could i actually get? How could i position myself to receive mega revelation and love from Jesus. What am i doing to limit God's overflow.

People ate as much as they were able to eat. Factors for how much someone ate are: how hungry the person is, maybe how fast they ate, level of trust accepting food from a stranger.

Christ said he would only give us what we can handle. Therefore, if im not experiencing much, then i must conclude that i am unable to handle much. The amount i am able to store is based on my storage capacity. I also want to note, after you eat a large meal you potentially get lazy or tired. After we eat fully of Christ, we are able to rest. I wonder if this is a result of entering Gods rest. The ability to receive your full portion of Christ and then rest in his provision. Let me also note, the food was passed to the people, they did not work for it, and they did not multiply the food.

Freely give, freely received.
Jesus i pray, "please make me able to receive and eat more of you, enlarge my heart, my brain, my eyes, my ears, my wisdom, my understanding, my body, my discipline, increase me Lord."

What we will cover in future articles
Comparing the gift of bread in OT and NT
Limitations of eating to your fill
Getting your fill of Jesus daily supply

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